WED 2000 Ultrasonograph

WED 2000 Ultrasonograph
WED 2000 Ultrasonograph
WED 2000 Ultrasonograph
WED 2000 Ultrasonograph
225 000
Price with VAT
  • Акушерские исследования крупных и мелких животных
  • Работает в автономном режиме 2 часа
  • 256 градаций серого
  • Увеличение изображения: x1.0, x1.2, х1.5, х2.0


WED-2000 portable scanner is designed to examine inner organs in real time with the option of image recording for further analysis and measurements. Operating modes: В, В+В, В+М, М.
WED-2000 portable scanner is used in veterinary.
It is an optimal tool for ultrasonic diagnostics for pathologies and obstetric examinations of large and small animals.
Standards Compliance
The instrument has been developed and manufactured in strict compliance with GB10152−1997 national standard Ultrasonic diagnostic equipment of Type B and GB9706.1−1995 Medical electronic equipment part I: general safety requirements. The instrument is related to diagnostic equipment of Group C, Type В. By the class of protection against electrical shock the instrument belongs to Class II, Type B.
WED-2000 microprocessor digital device is a combination of a digital scanning converter (DSC), a dynamic aperture, multi-sectional dynamic focusing, highly dynamic low-noise, wideband preamplifier, data compression, TGC control, and dynamic filtration. All these allow for producing distinct, stable image of high resolution.
— The image matches that scanned in real time.
— Image recording.
— Control buttons and mouse allow for fast, easy, and dynamic examinations.
— Use of highly integrated circuits makes the instrument light-weight and compact.
The instrument allows for running the following examinations:
— Measurement of inner distances.
— Measurement of area and perimeter.
— Measurement of cardiac rate.
— Obstetric examinations:
SWINE—sow: calculation of the sow’s pregnancy period based on the length of the foetus' heart.
EQUINE—horse: calculation of the horse’s pregnancy period based on the womb’s diameter.
BOVINE—cow: calculation of the cow’s pregnancy period based on the length of the foetus' body.
SHEEP—sheep: the pregnancy period of sheep based on the distance from the back to the foetus' umbilicus.
The delivery set shall include:
— monitor—1 pcs;
— battery—1 pcs;
— power adapter—1 pcs;
— mouse—1 pcs; and
— sectoral mechanical sensor—1 pcs.
Selection of the sensor for the package WED 2000 ultrasonograph is performed by the customer’s application:
• 3.5 MHz sensor—measurements of large animals;
• 5 MHz sensor—measurements of small animals.
  • Obstetric examinations of large and small animals
  • Can be operated in offline mode for 2 hours
  • 256 greyscale
  • Image enlargement: x 1.0, x 1.2, х 1.5, х 2.0

Depth scan
192 mm
х1,0; х1,2; х1,5; х2,0
расстояние, длина окружности, площадь, сердечный ритм, срок беременности
Стандартный секторный, механический 3,5 MHz
Lateral, up to 3 mm
глубина до 80 мм mm
Lateral, up to 4 mm
глубина от 80 до 130 мм mm
Axial, up to 2 mm
глубина до 80 мм mm
12,7 cm
256 pcs
В, В+В, В+М, М
Time of continuous operation from akkumulyatorane
не менее 2 hrs
Power consumption
17 W
Supply voltage
10...12 V
2200 mAxh
0,6 kg
110х150х40 mm
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