Determination of somatic cells number in milk is carried out with the Somatos-M instrument in compliance with GOST 23 453−90. The instrument has been registered in the State Register of Measurement Instrumentation under No. 25 333−08, Certificate RU.С.31.010.А No. 31 888.
The method is based on the interaction of the Mastoprim compound with somatic cells, which results in the change of milk consistency. Somatos-M instrument measures the relative viscosity of milk and calculates the number of somatic cells in 1 cm3.
The aqueous solution of Mastoprim compound is made as follows:
3.5 g of compound are placed into a graduated flask or a graduated cylinder of 100 cm3 capacity, then the volume is brought to the mark with distilled water heated up to 30−35оС. Before use, the solution is agitated to a uniform distribution of the residue.
The acidity of the milk under study should be within 16…21оТ.