U1-ERL-10−4 dressing separator is used at test laboratories of centers for grain quality assessment, centers for hygiene and epidemiology, at grain-reception and grain-processing enterprises.
Provides the analysis accuracy meeting the requirements of GOST 13 586.4: Grain. Methods for determination of infectiousness and damages by parasites, GOST 30 483: Grain. Methods for determination of total and fractional contents of weed and grain admixtures; contents of fine grain and coarseness…, the standards ICC No. 102/1: Determination of admixtures in wheat and 103/1: Determination of admixtures in rye
Optional equipment:
The dressing separator is designed to sieve out combined, daily average, and average grain samples in order to determine the amount of insects in the explicit form, mites, fine and frail grain, fine weeds and large admixtures.
— removable sieves for various crops;
— a triangle tray for convenience of collecting fractions from sieves and tray, to pour into cups and weighing bottles;
— a laboratory pneumoseparator to determine flower films in the sample; and
— SL laboratory mixers for 4, 6, and 10 liters for mixing samples and extraction of charges.