Milking machine "AID-2" (aluminium design)

Milking machine "AID-2" (aluminium design)
Milking machine "AID-2" (aluminium design)
Milking machine "AID-2" (aluminium design)
30 500
Price with VAT
  • Warranty: 1 year

AID-2 individual milking machine is designed for machine milking of cows at personal subsidiary plots and little farms.

The design of the milking equipment used in the manufacture of the individual milking machine allows for easy dismantling and replacement on the cow udder. The operating principle of the machine is based on variable pulsation and change of the atmospheric air with vacuum generated by the vacuum plant. The vacuum system is adapted to the conditions of private use for a small livestock population, which provides a low noise level while operating the machine, use of the 220 V power networks.

The machine is a packaged unit comprising a vacuum plant for generating vacuum gage pressure during milking and equipment flushing, and a milking unit, installed on a hand truck. The utilized milking equipment is of 2-stroke type with the pulsation frequency being 61±5 pulses/min. The capacity of the milking bucket is 19 litres.

Additional equipment

In the aluminium design, AID-2 machine is supplied with the following bundle items:

— mobile vacuum plant (1 pcs);

— DV 31.100−01 milking equipment (2-stroke, 1 kit), including a milking bucket 00.00.060 (with the capacity being 19 litres, with DPR 31.040 bucket lid, 1 kit), ADU 02.100 pulsator (1 pcs), DV 31.200 collector (1 pc), DV 31.080 milking cups in assembly (aluminium, 4 pcs), a kit of rubber hoses (main, variable vacuum) and transparent PVC hoses (milking);

— spare parts kit; and

— tools and accessories.

Device type
Type of electric motor
Supply voltage
220 V
Power consumption
750 W
Type of vacuum pump
пластинчато-роторный, масляный
Material of the pump blades
The size of the pump blades
80х29х6 mm
Milking Pulsator
Collector volume
120 ml
Ripple frequency
Pump performance
12 м³/час
Operating pressure
48±1 MPa
Sequential exhaling
Simultaneous exhaling
850х500х900 mm
42 kg
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